Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas Time
Now she is home for Christmas, and blogging for me while I play Boggle.
Jacob is being really funny while we play.
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Time For a New Blog!
Our children are already being indoctrinated into liberal views everyday at school. You must keep a dialogue open with them constantly to hear what they are learning and thinking and to let them know what and why you think the way you do. I was less concerned about the speech than I was about what might be said in the classroom afterwards by the teacher. Let's face it, while watching the Pres. on TV in the classroom, most of the kids were probably daydreaming, doodling or sleeping. But, they pretty much have to listen to the teacher and her words will have the biggest impact. I looked at lesson suggestions on-line to see what was being recommended to be taught. I did not like the idea of taking some of the "favorite quotes" from the speech and putting them up around the school with Mr. Obama's picture. I didn't like the idea of asking students what they thought they could do to help the President when we are all wondering what he will do to help the country. A better question would be to ask what we all can do to keep our country great and help it during hard economic times. A good answer would be to not live on the government dole systems. People looking to the government to take care of them instead of working to care for themselves is one of the major strains on our economy. It is causing deeper and deeper cuts to our freedoms. I believe that Thomas Jefferson was correct when he said, "A government that is able to give its citizens everything is capable of taking everything away from them." (I may have got the wording wrong, but you get the idea.)
Well, as it turns out, neither of the teachers that my kids have decided to show the speech in class. Who can blame them? There is already so little time to cover everything that they have to teach in a day. I would have let my children hear the speech. I would have been there to listen with them and to hear the discussion. I think my initial reaction against the speech is that in these 8 months that Pres. Obama has been President, he has tried to force so many issues, taken such unprecedented power unto himself, even away from his own congress with his appointment of unelected or approved Czars, and spoken so ill of anyone who disagrees with him, as have his supporters, that anger was ruling my decision as well as the decision of others who didn't want to hear him speak to the children. Not only that, since many of us feel that we are losing our freedoms, this was a chance to exercise one in protest.
So, that is my take for today!
Monday, August 31, 2009
We Thought Health Care Was The Major Issue...
The alarming issue currently is the US attitude towards what is going on in Honduras. They are a Democracy. In their way of doing things,( I don't know if they call it a constitution or not and I don't have the paper in front of me currently because Tyler took it back), the law forbids having a Pres. in office for more that one term. This Pres., whose name starts with a Z, is apparently a lackey of the evil Venezuelan Pres. Hugo Chavez. You know him, the one who calls us Godless, etc. Well this Honduran guy decides that he want to stay in power and tries to change the law so that he can run again. Their law states that if anyone tried to do this, they should be put out of office, which is what happened. So, the US is strong arming Honduras to put him back in office! So is Venezuela. Why is our Pres. Supporting this known US hater and socialist? Why should We force a country to change their laws that make them a fair democracy? It wouldn't surprise me if our President didn't try to change our Constitution eventually and try to run again, after his second term, heaven forbid, or what the heck, why have an election at all? Everyone thinks that he is the chosen one or something, so why have elections anymore at all?
Okay, I went and stole the paper from Tyler's room. The former Pres. of Honduras was Zelaya.
Here is a quote from the article: "Article 239 of the Honduran constitution states that any president who tries for a second term automatically loses the privilege of his office. By insisting that Mr. Zelaya be returned to power, the US is trying to force Honduras to violate its own constitution.
It is also asking Hondurans to risk the fate of Venezuela. They know how Venezuela's Hugo Chavez went from being democratically elected the first time, in 1998, to making himself dictator for life. He did it by destroying his country's institutional checks and balances. When Mr. Zelaya moved to do the same in Honduras, the nation cut him off at the pass." "The most recent example of the Obama-style Good Neighbor Policy was the announcement last week that visa-services for Honduras are suspended indefinitely, and that some $135 million in bilateral aid might be cut." That is only the beginning, apparently much worse is also going on without us knowing it. Lets hope that we can "cut those off at the pass" who would do away with our checks and balances!
The other intriguing thing was an editorial letter from J. Thomas Rosch. He is a Commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission in Washington. He suggests that if we want to have competition for health insurance without a public option, money should be put in the hands of the people who need it with the stipulation that they can only spend it on Health Insurance. The insurance companies would have to compete by price for their business and the individual would have the choice of who to give their business to. I think I like that idea. I will have to investigate it more. The problem is that the politicians in control don't think we can make decisions for ourselves, so they should have all the power and make all decisions for us. They are like Satan!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
This Makes Me Sick!
I have tried to create a link for you to click on, but it won't work for some reason. But, go to the Wall Street Journal and search for the article by Betsy McCaughey entitled, "Obama's Health Rationer-in-Chief."
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Czar means King in Russian
Monday, August 24, 2009
Quite the Summer
I told you about Sister Pratt's life and funeral and my visit to California. A couple of days after we returned home from that trip, we received the heartbreaking news that our friends, the Moores, had lost their 12 year old daughter, Addy, in a car accident on the way home from a family reunion. Another of their daughters, Lydia, was in intensive car. We had just been out to the summer movies with them two weeks before this time. Addy and Madalynn had talked about wanting to go and see the new Alice in Wonderland movie. She had been over and they had made smoothies for everyone together. I still have a difficult time thinking about Addy's cute smile and newly emerging young woman ways without getting choked up over it. But, at the same time I have been spiritually fed again as I have seen her family blessed and bouyed up during this difficult time. Her funeral was truly a celebration of her life and the plan of salvation. Lydia is healing nicely. I spent some time with her about two weeks ago and it is amazing to see this little girl's strength in the midst of this tragedy. Our friends have felt the Lord's hand in their lives and their faith is stronger than ever. It is amazing to see the blessings that come when we endure trials well.
The next news that happened is that our nephew Scott and his girl friend Krista had a baby girl named Madison. She was premature and weighed only about 2.5 lbs. at birth. She was tiney, but after two weeks was gaining about an ounce per day. But, she got an infection and her tiny body couldn't handle it and her time on earth ended. It was heartbreaking to see this young couple go through this with their first baby.
So, while my summer did not remain as peaceful as it started, I have learned and grown and committed myself to some self-improvement. I have had opportunities to serve and feel my love for my fellow man grow. I had to get all of the sad stuff into this blog. Later, I will blog about some more positive things.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Lots of Thoughts
The week before last was a difficult yet inspiring one. Sister Myrna Pratt passed away. I shall miss her sweet smile so much and her gracious personality and strong spirit. At her funeral, her daughter Pam spoke about the last year of her life as she battled leukemia. Pam was feeling sad about her mother's suffering the asked her one day if she ever wondered "why me?" That was an obvious question that many of us may have wondered about. Her mother answered her, "Yes. These are the things I wonder. Why was I so lucky to have such a wonderful husband? Why have I been so blessed with such wonderful children? Why has my life been so wonderful? Why did I get to serve as a temple matron and serve a mission in South America?" She went on, but you can see how Myrna taught each of us the power of gratitude and of being of good cheer. The last time that she was at church with us she talked about how she kept such a positive attitude. She said, "How can I help but be positive when the Lord has blessed me so much?" The next week, she was in the hospital for her last month of treatments that proceeded her death. She has inspired me to be a little more grateful and a lot more positive in my conversations and thoughts. I always came away from a conversation with Myrna feeling better about myself because that was the kind of person she was. I want others to have that same feeling when they talk to me. I have found these traits to be true talents that can be cultivated. I have also felt inspired to follow her example of having fun with my children more often and serving my family a little better.
The next thing that I want to blog about is my trip to California this last week. We went and visited my mom and family there. It was so nice to see everyone. The visit was too short. There were hard things that happened to family members as well as neat things while we were there. It was so great to see how my family rallied around each other for the good times and the bad. I love them all so much. I feel so blessed that my mom is still with us. She is so sweet. She has to get her hip replaced. She asked her doctor if she would stay alive long enough to make it worth it. He told her that she is in good health and could have another 10 or 12 years. I chastised her for thinking the liberal Obama way. Even if she only had a few months or a year left to live, why should she have to live them in pain. Why should politicians be able to decide her quality of life? Each time she stood up, it was with such effort and pain. She didn't complain, but if she stumbled a little, she would say, "How stupid not to be able to keep myself upright and walk without a cane!" It made me want to weep for her because she has always been so busy and active doing things. I know how she feels in a small way because I too have been discouraged when I have realized that I can't do things as well as I once could as I age. On the inside we still feel like young girls, but our bodies don't believe it.
Last, but not least, Lindsey is going to be leaving for Vermont soon to attend Law School. We are so proud of her and so excited for her. We are also scared to death for her and wish that she were going to be attending a school much closer. I had wanted to go with her back to Vermont so badly, but because the elementary schools here start so stupid early and I can't have Madii and Jake missing 8 days of school right at the beginning, and I can't bring myself to leave them for a week and a half, I don't get to go. :( Glen is taking her. We are going to have them miss 3 days of school so we can go up to Provo and see them off and say goodbye. My heart is aching over the whole thing. But, I know that this will be a wonderful experience for her and that she will do so great at whatever she chooses because she is so smart and hard working and determined and capable. Another bright side is that we will see her and Alicia while we are up there.
Summer break is almost over and I haven't done everything I had hoped. The heat always does me in before I do. But, we have had a lot of enjoyable family time, which I am grateful for. I hope the kids will remember it fondly.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Summer Time and the Living is Easy
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
"I will stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places."
He did not observe the National Day of Prayer. He signed a proclamation about it , whatever that means, and liberals used it as a chance to do more Bush bashing, saying that he only observed it for political reasons. This group of people cannot do anything without hurling insults at the conservative groups.
He told Notre Dame that in order for them to have him speak there, they would have to cover up or remove any religious words or emblems. They have ended up removing or covering many things, including the name of Jesus Christ. The Vatican is angry, as are many of the Priests. He asked them to give up their first amendment rights, and they are doing it, placing Mr. Obama as more important to them than Jesus Christ.
He is supposed to come to ASU to speak. Will he ask them to do the same thing? The LDS institute of religion in on the ASU campus. It isn't on an ajoining street or just off campus, but it is on campus. I know that we will not cover up the name of the Savior that is on the outside wall of all of our buildings. What kind of controversy and persecution is that going to cause?
To all of you stupid BYU students who complained when Vice Pres. Cheney was the speaker at your graduation ceremonies, do you realize that he didn't ask you to hide what you believe to accommodate him? Some of you protested his coming, but you were not persecuted. Do you not see the difference between that and what happens to those who disagree with Mr. Obama or any other liberal person or point of view?
I am waiting for the Elders of Israel to save the Constitution.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Sabbath Day Musings
Today is a good example of what I mean. It is Fast Sunday and I started out my morning with prayer, of course. One of the things I asked for in my prayer was for an opportunity to share the gospel with someone. Then, I went to church and met and greeted people. I went back to my bench before the meeting started and sitting in front of me was a family that visits from time to time when they come down from Prescott. I spoke to them and told them that I had a new calling. She got excited and told me that her son and his non-member wife were now living in our ward and expecting her first baby in May and would I visit with them because her son really wanted to be active and to have his wife joing the church as well. She told me all about them and texted her son and told him that I would contact them, etc. Well, It is wonderful to see a prayer answered so quickly and I am really looking forwart to sharing the gospel with someone and taking part in an entire family being able to have the gospel in their home to teach to their young children. I am going to call them this afternoon and see if I can go over this week. Kathy Bentz said that she would go with me and I also know that there is a young couple in our ward who live just a little way from them who I think I can introduce to them.
We had a very wonderful testimony meeting today. Glen really felt the urge to stand and bear his testimony. He was really filled with the Spirit and he touched me and many others. He also gave a great lesson in Sunday School on the law of consecration. There wasn't enough time to cover everything about it, but one of the things we had discussed during the week was about how Satan uses counterfeit devices to lure us away from the way of the Lord. For example, many people think that socialism is the way to care for the poor and the needy. But, that way of doing things is counterfeit to the law of consecration which involves our free will as we choose to live that way and turn ourselves and all that we have over to the Lord. Satan also uses immoral sex as a counterfeit way for people to find love and use divine power to procreate. It has really struck us lately how important it is to be in tune with the Spirit so that we can recognize the counterfeits out there that would take away our agency.
I am beginning to recognize the blessings in my life already as I strive to serve in whatever capacity my Heavenly Father needs me in. I know that nothing I do can ever repay Him for all he has done and continues to do for me. I am so grateful for a family, especially a husband, who supports me and waits for me when I have to talk to people or visit them and who love me even though, unlike the rest of the ward, they know my shortcomings. Thank goodness the Lord is there to fill in the gaps for me when I fall short.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Right Wing Sightings, Beware!
- Why is it that if people are conservative and disagree with the liberals in power right now, they are being labeled as "right-wing extremists"? Why was there an memo about this at all? This is America where it is supposed to be alright to have differing opinions. We don't all have to think alike or vote alike.
- Why was Ex-Governor, big budget deficit Napolitano, unaware of what was being sent out from her office? Isn't that her job or is she going to do it as badly as she did her job here in AZ?
Wow! Is it time for another election yet?
Thursday, April 16, 2009
A Mother's Musings

Each of my children has very different personalities from the next. Yet, they also all have some similar qualities, most of which are very good. Of course, they also have annoying qualities and I fear that in a family setting we tend to focus too often on the negative instead of the positive. Sometimes we are less forgiving than we should be. Sometimes we are too judgemental. Sometimes we take one another for granted a little too much. Sometimes we forget to speak kindly and to express our gratitude for one another.
I want to list some of the really good things about my kids, and I hope if they are reading this, they will try to remember these good things about one another as well, and think of some of the good things you know about each other and experiences you have had as siblings that remind you how grateful you are to have the family that you have.
- It makes my heart glad to know that my kids will be there for one another when they need each other. When Lindsey needed something when Aaron was in Provo, he was there to help her. She introduced him to women.:)
- When Alicia was deathly ill, Lindsey took off work and took her to the doctor and got her meds and checked on her almost daily.
- Alicia's employers always love her because she is such a hard worker, with integrity. I have notice that about all of my children. I am really proud that they all have great work ethics.
- All of my children have testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Aaron and Tyler served honorable missions and are temple worthy. Lindsey goes to the temple to do baptisms as often as she can. Alicia loves to see the temple, too. Now Maddy has begun to be able to go to the temple to do baptisms.
- Jacob wants to stand up in testimony meeting and give his testimony, he just hasn't overcome his shyness yet.
- I have watched all of them do acts of service for others without being prodded by me.
- It does my heart good to see the glow Tyler gets about him when he is filled with the Spirit.
- Aaron, for all of his tough bravado, can be so kind and sensitive.
- Lindsey and Alicia can be very introspective. They work on their spiritual qualities in order to improve themselves.
- Madalynn has a generous spirit and loves us all so much.
- Like his dad, Jacob is meticulous and careful about his work.
It is funny how great this exercise is because as I think and list these qualities, I am filled with gratitude for each member of my family and more and more good feelings fill my heart for them and it is easier and easier to think of all of the things that make them each so special to me, their dad and to our family as a whole. I challenge you to try it. Especially if someone is bugging you, try making a list of all of their great qualities and see if your attitude doesn't change towards them. Then, when you forgive the annoying qualities, your relationship with them will improve at an amazing rate. I am not saying that they have been bugging me! (ha ha), But, sometimes I have seen them feeling bugged by one another. I know that college and working can be stressful and not always bring out the best in people, but as I said earlier, I know that the truth is that we are all here for each other. I love it when one of the boys tells me that they called and talked to Alicia or Lindsey that day, "just because." And, they almost always end those calls with, "bye, I love you!" And I know that they mean it.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
"Lord, I believe. Help Thou My Unbelief..."

As I listened to the General Conference today and heard the beautiful talks giving testimony of the Savior, Jesus Christ, I recalled that analogy and Elder Holland so eloquently reminded us that we are never alone because He went through that loneliness for us on the cross. As soon as it is available on line, I will post the link to the audio broadcast of that talk. It will move you to tears. It will move you to be a better follower of Christ.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The main reason I got a facebook account was so that I could get on line and see my kids pictures that they post. Also, you can chat and message them faster than on email. But, you have to be lucky enough to be on at the same time that they are, and you can't really write very much. So, I often feel frustrated because comments and ideas expressed are often not interesting to me, people always want me to do quizzes and games, and the things that I really want to see don't change quick enough for me. Sometimes people make cryptic comments that I don't understand, but I do not feel like I should just comment on everything like this, "what do you mean by that?" over and over again.
Yet, even with all of my complaining, I still find myself drawn to my account whenever I have a free moment, in the hopes that there will be new pictures or info to gladden my heart. I should really be doing other more productive things. Alicia says she thinks I am an Internet stalker. I don't mean to be, but I do like to see what is going on with everyone.
I think about when I was the age that my grown-up kids are now. I communicated with my mom by writing letters and the occasional telephone call. I was a very good letter writer back then. I also wrote to my siblings and Glen's family as well, after we were married. Now I am terrible about writing, yet I love it when I receive a letter, personally hand written by my mother or someone else. It is a thing to be treasured. Someday my mom will be gone and those pieces of her handwriting written with sore arthritic fingers will be dear to me, even more than they are now, because she held the pen and scrawled the words. I can see more of her in those words than in a printed off email or message. I need to try to get back to writing letters. Handwritten letters seem to have a piece of the writer in them. Emotions and meanings are easier to see between the lines. Letter writing seems to be a dying art. When you watch the History Channel, much of the color of the stories and the details come from the letters that have been preserved over the years.
Well, I got off on a tangent about letter writing, but I guess my point is that facebook isn't a great way to communicate. There are better ways and there are more constructive things to be doing. So, while I will still keep my account, I am going to make an effort to look less often and not to let it become an obsession. Since I am already addicted to Mario Cart on the Wii, I can't afford anymore addictions. Maybe facebook is the reason I haven't touched the Wii all day today. Well, that and my garden.
I'm not sure how to end these ramblings, so I will do what 2nd grade students often do and just say, The End.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I have a voice
That brings me to a new point. Remember when Pres. Bush would misspeak and sound dumb sometimes and the liberal press would crucify him for it? Has anyone picked up on Obama's blunders? He joked about his bowling belonging on "the Special Olympics." He made a big faux pas on St. Patrick's Day with the speech making, giving his speech twice because of an error on the teleprompter and, ending with the Irish guy's speech, thanking himself. Didn't he pay attention to what he was saying? How about his broken promise to his daughters to get a puppy and now saying it was a "campaign promise." Wow! That says a lot about the man I think. But, where is the press who have hailed this man as king? They are still in a love affair with him and so are not willing to admit that this President may not be the genius they tauted him to be. I blame the ruin of our country on the liberal press. Their warped ideas lead people to believe that which is untrue. They shape the political climate of the country and if people do not take the time to search and learn the truth, as much as possible, then the liberal press will control the elections as they have in recent years. Stop believing everything the New York Times has to say America, and use your own minds and common sense. Then, use your own voice because your opinions and beliefs do count. Even if they are different than mine, at least they will be your thoughts and ideas and not someone else's.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Counting my Blessings

- I am currently working with some fantastic teachers who are so much fun and I learn so much from!
- We had a little potluck today. It was delicious!
- I am getting paid for what I do, even though not particularly well, but, I feel blessed to have what I have.
- Tomorrow is the last day of school before Spring Break! Notice how I capitalized Spring Break. That is because it is one of the most wonderful times of the year.
- My husband has been priming my house so that we can paint it over the break.
- I really love my family.
- My husband has a good job.
- My children are all employed and in school. (Lindsey will be in school soon. LAW school!)
- Jennifer scared Kerri today so well and got Barbara as well. That was a bonus!
- Tomorrow is field day, a pizza party and that is about it for a change, so it should be a wild and crazy day!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Happy Dr. Seuss Day!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Its been a long time....
I just finished my long term job as a 2nd grade teacher. It always makes me happy and sad at the same time because I am glad to be able to be home for a bit if I want, but I have gotten attached to the kids and to the routine and I miss it for a bit.
The New Year has had a nice start so far. The Holidays were nice, having all of my kids home. I got to have brunch with my dear friend Ruth. We try to do this anually and I am glad we didn't miss it this year. Glen had to go out of town for work for 2 weeks and I missed him like crazy, but it is so great to be together again after we've been apart that we appreciate each other a little more I think.
There was a bunch that I wanted to write after Christmas, but now I can't remember everything that I wanted to say. So, I guess that is all for now!