Friday, April 24, 2009

Right Wing Sightings, Beware!

Have you heard the new that our beloved Homeland Security Ex-Governor had to apologize about a memo that she apparently didn't read that came from her office that was a warning that veterans are at risk of becoming right-wing extremists? (that was a long sentence, sorry.) Anyway, she apologized to veteran groups and they seem to think all is well. But, there are a few other things about this entire episode that bother me. Here they are: (you knew I'd tell you.)

  • Why is it that if people are conservative and disagree with the liberals in power right now, they are being labeled as "right-wing extremists"? Why was there an memo about this at all? This is America where it is supposed to be alright to have differing opinions. We don't all have to think alike or vote alike.
  • Why was Ex-Governor, big budget deficit Napolitano, unaware of what was being sent out from her office? Isn't that her job or is she going to do it as badly as she did her job here in AZ?

Wow! Is it time for another election yet?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1) You're a right wing extremist!
2) an memo is not correct
3) Yes Janet Napolitano is going to do poorly in office. That is how she rolls.
4) Is Aaron going to run during this next election? He always says he is and then he never does.