Sunday, April 13, 2008

Words to Think About

Recently, Gordon B. Hinckley passed away. Here is something that he taught once when he addressed the students at BYU: "You are good, but don't just be good, be good for something." He always said that we should stand up for what we believed and stand for something. I think that this is what a hero does, a hero isn't just good, but he is good for something. In other words, he does something with what he believes is right. He has integrity to make his actions consistent with what he believes to be true and right. His goodness motivates him (or her) to action. Faith should motivate us to act and to become Christlike. Faith and love should be verbs, not just nouns. Somehow in my mind it continues to come together until it will gel in my heart.

Monday, April 7, 2008

My Kids

Here is the update about everyone:
Tyler is trying to join the Air force. He wants to attend the Air force Academy. He needs to lose about 2% of his body fat in order to do that.

Madalynn recently competed in the State Odyssey of the Mind competition in Tucson. They tied for 5th place. I was surprised that they didn't do better because I thought that their performance was much better than some of the others. But, I guess it is a good thing that they didn't win because we didn't know how we would sent all of the kids to the national competition in Maryland. Now she is working on a science project with chickens. We are buying 4 baby chicks, hopefully all hens from Pratt's. She is going to study them to see if the chicks raised on regular feed grow any differently that those raised on feed plus a supplement. In the end, we should have four nice laying hens. If not, we will be eating chicken. But, with the price of eggs and groceries in general, we thought that this might be a nice idea. We shall see. Some of the names have already been chosen: Stella, (say that with a fervent cry), Tina, (from Napoleon Dynamite), and we are waiting to hear the rest. In May, Maddy will be going to San Diego with her 6th grade class.

Lindsey is planning to move back to Provo in May to retake the LSATs and to work until Law School. Tyler is going to drive her up there and hopefully will date all of Alicia's roommates as well as Lindsey's new ones in the couple of days he is there!

Jacob is playing Little League. Lately he has been on first base and doing a fine job.

Aaron is finishing this semester at ASU. He plans to be finished up with school in December! Yeah! for him! He is doing a great job.

Alicia is finishing the semester and then moving into a house. Sadly for her, she and her boyfriend will be parting ways because he will be returning to Michigan to leave on his mission for the church. So, there will be new and wonderful things to come for both of them.

So, that is the update. I haven't been waxing very philisophical lately, and I haven't had time to write about my spiritual moments. I will try to focus on that later. Bye!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Just an update

I spent today cooking healthy food. Tyler is planning to go into the Air Force to finish his education. He has to lose 2% of his body fat to be eligible. I am trying to cut down my cholesterol and lose weight. So, today I steamed asparagus, steamed vegetables for Glens lunches to work, made fresh salsa, made cabbage salad and finally baked low sugar oatmeal/apple cookies. (lots of fiber is the key!) It is satisfying to get all of that done. Unfortunately, it won't last long around here. Groceries have gone up and so has the amount we consume with everyone home. But, I love the Fry's ad this week, I should save a bunch when I match everything up with my coupons!