Sunday, May 23, 2010

Arizona and Illegal aliens

I am so tired of the hype over Arizona's newly passed law that will enforce immigration law. Everyone immediately began complaining about it before they even read it. Then came the cry from California and other states to boycott us. But, oh guess what, it turns out that California's law towards immigration is much more discriminatory and strict than Arizona's! Of course, that doesn't mean that those in authority and sworn to uphold the law will do just that. Take the director of ICE for example who now says that he will not review any cases from AZ because of the law. Well thank you sir for effectually opening our borders to more terror, kidnapping and murder while you sit so self-righteously in your office in DC unaware of the troubles facing our state. You can join your President and his democratic cohorts in applauding the Mexican President as he hypocritically derides our state, a part of your country rather than insisting that he do something to improve life in Mexico so that his people are not so desperate. You are all a bunch of Benedict Arnolds. You are all so concerned about the illegals, then why aren't you concerned about the ones who are dying in the backs of trucks and who are made slaves in houses in the desert, piled in like animals. Stemming illegal immigration will help them as well.
I am also tired of the argument that these people are doing jobs that Americans won't do. Talk about stereotyping and profiling! As a teenager, I worked picking figs and picking grapes. Do you realize that the largest jobless rate in our country is among teens to age 25? Many landscaping companies and construction type jobs, hotel jobs and all of the other ones where irresponsible employers are hiring illegals and paying them under the table without benefits are making difficult for companies who hire the right way to compete. I believe that supporting illegal immigration is a slap in the face to those who have come here legally and done things the way the laws are set up. If I were a legal immigrant, I would be up in arms about my new country who doesn't apply the same standards for all.