Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Czar means King in Russian

In the Constitution of the United States, it is strictly prohibited to give titles of nobility in our country. Well, you may say, that is just a word, these Czars being appointed by Pres. Obama aren't really being given any type of nobility. I beg to differ. They are taking over responsibilities that our elected officials should be handling and they are finding ways to take away our freedoms. Most of these people are liberal socialists and/or communists who have hidden agendas for our country. They dismiss free speech in the name of "diversity." They say that the constitution doesn't give us the right to have more than two children if the government says we can't. They are bankrupting our country to fulfill some evil plan that they have to keep themselves in power and to break the rest of us down. When is the liberal media going to wake up and see that if the FCC takes away the rights of the conservative media, they are going to be affected as well?


Unknown said...

Probably not til their rights are taken away.
Its called fascism my friends.

Ruth said...

...and it is quite scary...that it is all happening right under our noses...