Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My worst fears

The last thing I am noticing about Barrack Obama is the color of his skin. The thing I notice is that our apparently next President has been elected with terrorist money and we now have a liberal president and a liberal Senate and a liberal House. What were you all thinking when you stepped into that voting booth? I am listening to John McCain speak as he concedes the election and I can hear in his voice his love for our country. It is my hope that those few Senators and representatives like him left in our Congress will not allow those who would tear down our country and our Constitution to prevail. At the very least, Obama is wishy washy and inexperienced. At the worst he is the most liberal president we have ever seen and supported by people in the middle east, terrorists and palistinians. My prayers are fervent that America will not fall because of this election. I am heart broken.

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