Sunday, May 25, 2008

There is so much to learn...

I went to the baptism of a woman in our ward last night. She stood up and spoke afterwards of her gratitude to the Lord for bringing the gospel to her life at this time when she needs it most and how his timing is perfect. She thanked all of the people who have helped to teach her and fellowship her. She spoke about Brother Bentz and she said, "Your knowledge and ability to help me understand things has been so wonderful. There is so much to learn!" That comment gave me pause to think and I realized how blessed I am that I was raised in the gospel so that I could learn from my childhood. What if I had to start from scratch right now? Would I have the personality or the will power to learn all that I would need to learn? Sometimes I guess I take what I know for granted. And even now, there is still so much for me to learn and to become better at. I have gained a perspective on our belief in eternal progression and growth. I also realize even more how well the Lord knows me and each of us on a very personnal level. That is so comforting and it makes me know that we are all truly God's children.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I, too, am grateful for the training I received and was imprinted on me from an early age. I also had a keen sense in the "heavily seeking" years of High School that the only one who truly knew me was God. He was the one I needed to be first in my life.

Love you