Friday, December 21, 2007

I have finally begun!

When my good friend Ruth started a blog, I decided it was finally time for me to get one, instead of being a passive blog reader. I would make the occasional comment, but I told my girls that I was going to stop that. Of course, I have only been mildly succesful in that promise because when I have strong feelings about something, I can't help but express them.

Today, Glen has departed for Utah to go and bring the girls home for Christmas. Of course, my worst fears have come about and it is snowing up there. But, he rented a 4x4 truck to go up in, so that is comforting. I will be happy when we are all safe at home together.

I will add pix and so forth later. I need a new battery for the digital camera.

I have just ended a long term substitute teaching assignment for a second grade class. For some reason, this has been one of the most stressful assignments I've had. That is saying a lot since last year I started the year teaching one quarter of 2nd grade, then a quarter of LD, and ended with a quarter of 5th grade. But, this class has one very difficult LD child in it, and one really mean parent of another difficult child. But, yesterday was my last day. I was singing "The Hallelujah Chorus" at the end of the day. It is strange though, I also feel a little sad about leaving all of the other kids who were very sweet. I hope that I didn't ruin there lives too much by teaching something incorrectly. I did my best. It was fun doing all of the holiday activities with them. And, just to reassure you, we studied Christmas Around the World. We made a creche for France and learned to sing "Noel" and we talked about what "Kristkind" literally means in Germany, even though she is a girl. We discussed what the posadas is in Mexico and what happened when there was no room at the inn and when the baby Jesus is put into the manger. Anyway, what I am saying is that Christ isn't totally gone from Christmas in the public school system in Arizona.

Well, I still have a lot to do to get ready for Christmas. Working at this time of year really puts me behind. So, I am off for now. Merry Christmas everyone!


Joe said...

I do not know the, so what is an LD child?
Joe Done

Joe said...

I left out the word "lingo."

Docface said...

LD means "learning disability."

Ruth said...

Hi Helen! So very glad to find this blog. I think it is wonderful. I will bookmark yours to keep up with you! Let's get together soon.