Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy New Year

Today in Sunday School, we studied the last lesson of the year on the New Testament lessons. Of course, it was on the Book of Revelations. Our teacher is very well versed on this subject as he has made it a matter of personal study for many years. When I hear people who know a lot about things that I feel like I should know more about, I feel like George Castanza on Seinfeld who wondered, "How do you become a buff?" Of course, the answer is obvious, I need to read and study more about the things that I would like to understand better. It seems like life always gets in the way of my doing that. I try to read my scriptures daily, but that doesn't really entail studying in a way that would help me be a "buff." There are people who have made comments to me that they think I am a scriptorian, but the truth of the matter is I have just retained a lot of information over the years, but not as much as I should have, nor is my understanding as great as it should be. I was once the Gospel Doctrine teacher, and I learned so much during that time because I had to prepare to teach it to others. That period of time in my life must have misled people into thinking that I am more knowledgeable than I am. I think that one of my resolutions this year will be to find time to study and not just to read the scriptures.

On another subject, tomorrow night we are going to our friend's house for a New Year's Eve Karaoke Party. It will be so much fun! Happy New Year Everyone!!


Unknown said...

You were a wild party animal, I waited up until three in the morning for you kids to get home.

Docface said...

Yes, and you should have seen Dad do his rendition of Johnny B. Goode. Once again he was a hit! He always takes everyone by surprise.