Thursday, July 3, 2008

Car Trouble

Before I left for camp, I took my Mariner for its regular service appt. I learned that my back tires are wearing funny so I need to get that fixed. So, because of that I took the Durango up to girl's camp. It did fine and I was able to fit a bunch of stuff in it. But, on the way home, it overheated. I had checked the coolant before leaving camp and apparently had not put the cap on tightly. So, to make a long story short, it took all day to get it home and inspite of new hosed, themastat and fan, it still is over heating.

Oh, but dear reader, don't stop there. Tuesday morning, the construction workers on our street, pulling a trailor, sideswiped Glen's F350 with the camper, taking out the windows, mirror and part of the camper. Of course, the insurance company wants to total it and give us some piddly amount that will make it impossible for us to replace what has been an excellent truck. Insurance companies have such a racket going! Now, we will have to buy a new vehicle and have a payment which we did not have before. How is that fair? I hate car trouble!


Docface said...

you forgot to mention that you decided to go to the casino while you were stuck with the durango

Docface said...

Well, that is where we had to pull off of the road.

Ruth said...

That is so not fair!

Docface said...

mom... i was kidding! gosh!