Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Throw Away Society

How can people get ahead financially when nothing lasts for any decent length of time. Just this last week I had to purchase a new microwave oven. I hadn't had the last one more than a few year. The one I had before that lasted about 15 years I think. It seems that we will need to replace this computer before too long. As a matter of fact, it seems that everything runs on some sort of computerized system anymore, and nothing lasts as long as things used to last. Think of cars, TVs, telephones that we have to replace every two years. I think manufacturers do this on purpose. Remember the old adage, Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or do without? Well, I try to live by that mantra, but it becomes more and more difficult. How did I ever survive without a micro wave anyway?


Unknown said...

Sometimes people want to throw people away. I think this comes from getting used to doing that with everything else in their life.

Docface said...

idk, but you have a lot of typos =)

Ruth said...

Bob won't let things die easily...even microwaves... should see him up here...he can make do with just about anything...we have to remind him it is possible to get a replacement piece at the store. So...he isn't into replacement/throw away society. I am more so and trying to change.