Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day was not created by card companies

This morning my single, adult son woke up and greeted me with, "Happy Singles Awareness Day." I thought that was pretty funny. Reflecting back on my single life, I remember how awkward Valentine's Day was when I had no one to share the love with. On the radio this morning, as I drove the kids to school, I heard the story behind Valentines's Day.

I didn't catch where this happened, somewhere in Europe during some past early century, there was a ruler who didn't believe that young men should marry because they would not be as good of soldiers. So, marriage for young men was outlawed. Valentine was a priest who would secretly marry these young men with their true loves before they were sent off to war. He was eventually found out and imprisoned. One part of the story that I don't understand says that he was in love with the ruler's daughter. I thought he was a priest. I am too lazy to look up the story myself, but perhaps you may want to on your own today. But since I am a proponent of true love, I thought it was a nice story.

However, one of the morning DJs wasn't buying the story and still believes that the holiday was created by women as a means of putting their men into bondage. That could be true as well, especially if these same women own the card companies!

Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Celibate priests is not an eternal principle. They used to get married etc. So its not impossible that this priest was in love with the ruler's daughter. And even if at this point they couldn't marry, that doesn't stop him from being in love with someone.