Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Can Blog on Here Without Giving Offense Because this is My Blog!

Okay, I haven't blogged for a long time, but I have so many things to say about things I have been reading on facebook and things I have been seeing at work that I need to get it all out.

It is killing me to see how socialism is no longer just creeping into our society, but it is blatantly being forced into it like it is the thing to do. Not only do people feel it is fine to shirk personal responsibility, we are encouraged to do so. People take pride in being on the government dole system. The government runs ads explaining how easy it is to get on it and telling people that they may qualify even if they think they make enough money and don't need it.

The government thinks it is okay to make rules about every aspect of our lives, such as being able to grow our own vegetables and share them with our friends. Remember during WWII when home gardens were encouraged? Remember during the Great Depression when people raised chickens and sold eggs to make money to pay their rent? Remember when independence and self-reliance was celebrated and encouraged?

Did you know that now in schools, teachers have to be teaching the same subject from the same book at the same time of day for the same amount of time? It doesn't matter that one particular class is having trouble understanding a certain subject, they all need to stay on schedule. But wait, we need to have highly qualified teachers who differentiate for their students who may have different needs, but there will be no differentiation between different classrooms. And hold on, the teacher needs to administer assessments constantly to see how the students are doing, this is time consuming, but the aide can run the class. Then what is the need of having the highly qualified teacher if she never gets to teach? Hmmm, quite the contradiction. And be careful because if the students don't get high enough scores with this method, the teacher will lose her job. It must be her fault, right?

Did you hear our dear President, Mr. Obama, complaining that the "other side" (that is his way of reaching across the aisle) is using special interest money to pay for their campaigns. I guess the money from the unions and community organizer groups don't count as special interests. He is such a hypocrite and self absorbed jerk. He and his cohorts talk about spreading the wealth. What he means is "give me your money and I will be in charge of it because I know better than you what to do with it." He reminds me of Ana-kin Skywalker and also, Satan who was going to force us all to be happy, give us no freedom and make us worship him.

I know that our country isn't perfect, but it is not because we don't have a righteous system in place, it is because those in charge right now are unrighteous for the most part. Many of those guys in Washington are just plain stupid. Have you ever listened to them on Cspan? It is eye opening. We live in a country where we should be and have been in the past the most free people on earth with endless opportunities to work and grow through our own ingenuity. One by one and three by three, those freedoms are being striped away from us under this regime. The other day I was reading in Alma in the Book of Mormon about the stupid Kingmen who thought that somehow they were better than everyone else and that the Nephites should have a king. I wondered, why, when they were living prosperously in a free society would they want to subject themselves to a king? The answer is simple, they thought that THEY would be in charge and have all of the advantages over everyone else. As I read I realized the correlation between these men and what is going on in America today. I wish we had a Captain Moroni to ride out waving the Title of Liberty so that I could run out and rally to his call and help to save our country and our freedom for our families, and our religion.


Ace Rey said...

Unfortunately they already have prepared against that and anyone who rises up will for the most part be ignored because the populace has been brainwashed by our precious school system to believe such people to be lunatics. Then the "trouble-maker" (as he would be known by those in power) would be executed. Even several hundred years ago William Wallace was not able to save his own country from tyranny and oppression. Captain Moroni was a real person but we only read about him in an edited historical account.

All of us can quickly point out those who are doing wrong in the leadership of our country. We also could easily point out the prophet of God on earth. But what if someone was called (as Cap. Moroni was) to rise up and lead a people back to greatness? Would we be so quick to follow or would we brush him off as a lunatic and teh powers that be dispose of him quietly? It's easy to say that you would, but stop and really reflect on this. Let's remember that if a modern day military commander were to take charge unto himself as Moroni did he would be discharged and put in prison (especially after invading his own capitol city!). The great thing about Moroni was that after all was said and done he turned the power back over to the rightful holders as ordained by God. We would have no way of knowing whether or not this would be our hero's intention until the end. So really, you individually all of you have to do some serious self-reflection and see if you would follow the hero from the beginning, or if you would look back at the end and wish that you had.

Unknown said...

1. You can still give offense on a blog.

2. Why can't YOU be Captain Moroni?

Docface said...

What I mean is I can give offense if I want to. I am trying to be like Captain Moroni by standing for truth and righteousness. It gets so frustrating when people who I think hold my same values and beliefs are blind to what is right and wrong. It is the last days for sure as people call what is good bad and what is bad good.

Docface said...

I understand what you mean Aaron. I hope that I would strive to be in tune with the Spirit enough to know that this Captain Moroni is who I should follow. A difficult task I know, especially when you consider how difficult it is to choose Presidents, Senators and members of Congress. But, there are a few guidelines that I try to use, ie...
"by their fruits ye shall know them" (how have they lived their lives so far.) And by looking for light rather than darkness if you get my drift. In times to come we will have to make more and more difficult decisions and show our faith to a high degree. I hope we are all up to the challenge.