Sunday, May 10, 2009

"I will stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places."

Here are a few things to think about that have recently happened concerning our new president:

He did not observe the National Day of Prayer. He signed a proclamation about it , whatever that means, and liberals used it as a chance to do more Bush bashing, saying that he only observed it for political reasons. This group of people cannot do anything without hurling insults at the conservative groups.

He told Notre Dame that in order for them to have him speak there, they would have to cover up or remove any religious words or emblems. They have ended up removing or covering many things, including the name of Jesus Christ. The Vatican is angry, as are many of the Priests. He asked them to give up their first amendment rights, and they are doing it, placing Mr. Obama as more important to them than Jesus Christ.

He is supposed to come to ASU to speak. Will he ask them to do the same thing? The LDS institute of religion in on the ASU campus. It isn't on an ajoining street or just off campus, but it is on campus. I know that we will not cover up the name of the Savior that is on the outside wall of all of our buildings. What kind of controversy and persecution is that going to cause?

To all of you stupid BYU students who complained when Vice Pres. Cheney was the speaker at your graduation ceremonies, do you realize that he didn't ask you to hide what you believe to accommodate him? Some of you protested his coming, but you were not persecuted. Do you not see the difference between that and what happens to those who disagree with Mr. Obama or any other liberal person or point of view?

I am waiting for the Elders of Israel to save the Constitution.


Neomi said...

I agree with you 100%. I know that the Church will not cover up anything to make the President Happy and nor should they.
For him to make such a request at other schools and for them to follow....How strong is their faith.
I to am waiting for the Elders to save the Constitution...

Unknown said...

Sigh. You never even read my blog do you?